Month: August 2022

Going to Mont Blanc

Today we are heading to Switzerland to start a 100 mile hike around a beautiful mountain. I hope to experience all the things I was seeking on the Appalachian Trail plus new experiences I never dreamed were possible in my life. It’s been awhile since I posted and many miles have been hiked since then. I’ll begin to post regularly and talk about my continued Walk in Wilderness. It continues to foster growth spiritually and has brought me closer to God in ways I wouldn’t have, without the stillness and centering of my faith, which is made so evident in Creation. My relationships have been strengthened as I continue down this path with Carolyn. Together seeking to see the love and joy all around, sharing it with others. On the hike I will post a few photos and keep my journal, Writing about my experiences when I get back.

We are both so grateful for this ability to even attempt something this special. Being present to what is around us is something that highlights our trips. Though they may be difficult, we come away energized and fulfilled. Ready and willing to respond to others we meet with love and compassion.